Does your vehicle already have Sherlock marking?
Proceed to an inspection of your vehicle with existing Sherlock marking to verify that all codes are intact, after which a certificate of validity will be issued to the owner.

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Block access to your vehicle's OBD port and prevent theft by hacking the on-board computer.

A powerful theft deterrent
Proven effective
When it comes to reliable automotive security, the choice is elementary! According to an actuarial study, Sherlock Intensive Antitheft Marking® can slash theft rates over 80%. What’s more, Sherlock is the only company that maintains a detailed database available to Montreal Police Department (SPVM), St-Jérôme Police Department and the Agglomération de Longueuil Police Department patrol cars in real time, 24/7.
A powerful theft deterrent

“For thieves like us, it’s real simple. We don’t touch a car marked by Sherlock.”
Deters the sale of stolen vehicles and parts
Marked in more than 52 places
Sherlock etches an identification code on the main parts of your vehicle to reduce its black market value. Would-be thieves or “chop shops” (who fence, or re-sell stolen goods) back off fast when they see vehicles and parts with Sherlock permanent marking.

Deters the sale of stolen vehicles and parts

“A car marked by Sherlock isn’t worth a cent to a thief like me. It’s not worth the risk.”
Identifies your vehicle
Allows police to accurately identify the real owners of stolen vehicles
Sherlock’s identification code enables police to trace the owners of recovered stolen vehicles. Sherlock marking is also a real boon for the legal system: it helps authorities determine where stolen parts are coming from, so they can be seized and the thieves prosecuted and brought to justice. This helps make Sherlock a powerful deterrent in the fight against automotive theft.

Identifies your vehicle

“We tried everything we could, but there’s just no way to erase the damn engraved code!”